As professional photographers we work closely with marketers and advertisers to assist them in reaching their client's target audience. Our research has shown through events at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park, Clarus Studios, Inc. can directly reach up to 65,000 plus fans in a season and up to one million more viewers nation wide over a race season through sharing of our images.
The oval track NASCAR/Whelen racecar drivers utilize FaceBook and/or some sort of social media. The average fan/driver has between 400 to 500 people on their friends list. The average race team FaceBook page has 1,000 to 1,200 fans following the team. Many of the road course track drivers racing their BMW, AUDI, McLaren, Buggatti, Porsche, are CEO's, CFO's and presidents of their own company. The decisions markers, the people you want your brand in front of.
For example on average there are 125 drivers attending a NASCAR oval race event and 60-75 for a road course event. Let alone 1000-10000 fans at an event. If just 25% of them post one of our photographs on their FaceBook page with 500 friends, your brand would reach 30,000+ instantly. Then add in those 500 friends sharing that same photograph on their page. That means your brand will be reaching viewers across the nation by the thousands. We will also utilize twitter, google+ and any new form of social media that may be introduced in the near future. With our partnership with Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park they have 28,000+ fans on their social media pages and will be sharing the galleries as well. The reach is increased when you consider that we typically provide 10-20 photos per driver in every race.
We have galleries set up on our website and social media sites displaying what we are able to do for your company and how we can promote your brand!
View a live gallery here:
Our social media
If you click on an
image you will see an example promotional description we add right to the image
file. The result is whenever someone downloads the image and places it in their
social media the description will be updated with your information. You will
also be named as a partner of Clarus Studios Inc, and will be added to our
partners page on our website.
Advertising/Marketing pricing is based
upon size of the event and potential target market size.
On event day we provide the
images, sponsor PA announcements and signs with your logo around the track
pointing our target audience to the photos with your logo on it. Think about it, for as low as $300 per day for small events up to $750 per day for large events, your company can reach
millions in a season. Be the fans hero,
call or email us today with any questions you have.
Contact us today at 860-272-4259 or fill out our form below!